Ok so today marks going into my SO's and I 11 month mark!! I am exited and you know it's funny I figure there are a couple different stages in a LDR:
1: Theres the sad 1-2 month stage where you are so sad and missing your SO
2: During the 1-3 months start theres the jealous moments when your SO goes out with friends and you feel jealous that A) You can't go and B) What if he meets someone else. And sometimes it can drive you nuts and whoever your talking to.
3: Theres the how did I get into a relationship so darn far away stage this is usually 4-5 months.
and the last 4th: The accepting the distance and your SO and knowing that you will have a future together and you will see them soon. That's usually 9 months and up.

At first its hard I will admit. It's not easy to accept the fact your SO is far away. But then once you get closer to a year you stop getting afraid they will leave or find someone else because they have you waiting and loving them. I don't notice the miles often because I know they won't be there for very long and I keep that positive mind set because if you don't then your not ready for a LDR. THINK POSITIVE!! And just know when you fall asleep and look up at the stars your SO is looking at them too. <3