No its not about my SO. It's about my best friend from high school and her other friend that lives with her that I'm not a big fan of. Anyways. But I don't mind her too much just sometimes she really pisses me off. Like today for example. Today, the subject was brought up about our future careers. My bffe went first then I started talking about working towards my bachelors and becoming a teacher. (BTW a little background info. on the friend, she's pregnant with her second kid and for the moment has no job and not going to college) anyhow after I was done talking she then goes on to tell me that the real world is hard and I might have to put up with having little food and possibly living off of cup of noodles like she did for a year when she was on her own. First off, that got me pissed because I am going to have a job that pays the bills and can get me by with food and other stuff. And a teacher and a policemen make decent salaries. Enough to get by and maybe go on vacations. So it really bugged me that this friend was basically telling me that I won't get by with my career and just because she lived off noodles and shit for a year doesn't mean I'm going to. Or my future husband. Or children. It just bothered me, the real world doesn't have to be terrible if you have a decent job and can get by. God. Sorry she just pisses me off.