Sorry I was so mad and vague in my last blog post, I should stop doing that.
Tam got her ticket for visiting me again! Except she had to use a different (and known to be way crappier) airline due to the good one being really damn expensive right now.
So of course Craptacular Airlines goes and charges her the ticket price in USD instead of CAD despite the website saying it was CAD. Cool, fantastic, nice job just draining all our spending money! So now she had to go have the bank file a scam investigation and won't get her money sorted till she's here (Or like a day or two before).
So that's fun.
OH and if you're wondering why the airline wasn't called and yelled at, she tried. For three days. Each day they had her on hold for literally 4 hours. She had it on speaker while she played games. During a longer workday her dad called them.
They also are whining about THAT and trying to see what they can get for "I wasted so much phone usage on this crap they owe me this too" but we'll see how that works...

As for life stuff that isn't Relationship-Centric, everyone's drama is still being my drama, but they tell me not to worry about it. Never forget, if someone lives with you, you all share drama :|
At least the Big Stupid Thing that doesn't even involve me but everyone ever always asks about is next week now instead of this week. I'm just gonna hope I don't have to watch my family screw their own lives up more (and mine in the process) by being dumb like they tend to do recently.

So yeah that's about where we are right now, the bank is essentially sure they don't have to have Tam buy a different ticket which is good cause that'd be borrowed money and nobody likes doing that.