I got home from a wonderful visit last night. My flight was about two hours delayed. Seeing as two hours is about the time I fly, it took twice as long. It was past midnight when I arrived. I don't even know if there are any night buses from the airport, but my boyfriend's mum was nice enough to pick me up. I was sooo tired when I arrived, that when I passed people sleeping on these lounge chair things in the airport it actually seemed comfortable to me It's pretty crazy what tiredness can do to your brain. Actually I feel like I could do with a nap now, but I it's 4:40pm and I have to leave for classes in about an hour, so I think I'll feel better if I sleep after classes.

The visit was wonderful. My boyfriend picked me up at the airport with a huge bouquet of flowers, because Monday was our anniversary. I had to work at a conference my prof was having, but we still managed to do a lot of coupley stuff He loved my moose family present and he actually ordered a personalized advent calendar for me. Unfortunately it wasn't ready yet so I'm getting it on our next visit.
He had also put up three balloons in his room and one of them had a photo from his last visit attached. From when we went on that sight seeing balloon. Such a cute idea!! Did I mention that I love spending time with him? I still wonder how it's possibly that I met such a great person at a random concert and three years later we're still as happy as ever. If the rest of our lives goes by as fast as that, we'll be 80 and grandparents in a heartbeat...

We sort of celebrated with ordering pizza, drinking pink champagne and watching a crime series that probably half Germany watches on Sunday evenings. I'm still to germanize my boyfriend, but so far with moderate success.

We bought my mum's train tickets. She will definitely be with us for Christmas and it's making me SO happy. We're not seeing each other very often due to distance and work and life in general, but we love each other and get along very, very well. She has only been to Poland twice and that was the first time I was living here. She hasn't seen Warsaw. And while it might not be the most beautiful city ever (*cough* the opposite would be more accurate) I can't wait to show her around and share my life with her. She'll arrive on the 21st, my boyfriend on the 22nd and stay until the 26th so we'll have some time after and before Christmas Eve to show her the city.
She'll also have a real Polish Christmas Eve
Now I only need to book her hostel.