Didn't I just write a blog about not being in a hurry to get married like a few weeks ago?
Well here we are trying to get through all the red tape that comes with marrying abroad, marrying a foreigner, etc. I never thought I was going to blog about my wedding so soon

Our original plan was to get married in Dresden in October. But it looks like by the time we get there, the only days left to get married will be Wednesdays. Normally I wouldn't care, because we're not having a party or anything anyway, But we'd like to invite our mums (and Olek's dad and my brother if they want to come) and if it's in the middle of the week then they might not be able to get off of work on such a short notice.
We looked into getting married in Warsaw before our move, but in Poland you need to wait one month between handing in all the required documents and getting an appointment. I probably need a month just to get all the required documents together. Plus for me getting a certificate that I can get married abroad costs about 70€, while it's going to be less than 10€ for Olek to get the same certificate in Poland.

So we came up with a really beautiful idea this morning: We're getting married in Görlitz! Not only is it the easternmost city in Germany right at the Polish border, their registry office offers weddings on all days of the week and it's a smaller city so I'm confident they're going to have some appointments available on Fridays or Saturdays in October. I'm going to call them when I get home from work and ask how likely it is that they're still going to have appointments for Fridays or Saturdays in October if we "book" in the beginning of October.
It's only about 1-1.5h by train from Dresden, so we could easily go there, have the ceremony, go for dinner/ice-cream/whatever and go back.
Görlitz is literally right at the border, there's a (actually I think at least two?) bridge(s) that connects Poland and Germany. You can see it here. How awesome would it be to take pictures there and just generally spend the day between our two countries? I might feel pretty non-romantic about getting married, but after all we're going to be each other's closest family and we're going to be an international family.

And because wedding ramblings might not actually be interesting for everyone:
We spent yesterday at a lake just outside of Warsaw. We rented a boat for two hours and hung out at the beach.
I somehow managed to leave my purse at home, which I realised only when I tried to pay for our fries. Olek only had like 2 Zloty (~0.50€) left. The restaurant let us pay with a card, but we couldn't buy me a bus ticket to go back. Seeing as I didn't have any documents with me I don't know what would have happened if they had caught us, which they fortunately didn't.
Here's a photo of us on the boat:

Olek made me buy a hat on Saturday. He said he wouldn't take me if I didn't have a hat. He was probably right (I mean last year I got a heat stroke in freaking September!) and I even found one that I sort of like. I have probably about 10 winter hats but I've never owned a summer hat that I liked or actually wore. I used to wear a scarf on my head if it got too hot, but I didn't really like that either.