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The Online Gamer buddy turned Lovers;

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    The Online Gamer buddy turned Lovers;

    We first met at Online game. We're in the same guild. That was 3years ago. Me and him were just "friends" back then. I always bully him cause I really thought his "gay" (hahaha). but then we parted ways he stayed playing RPG. Then I got addicted to FPS. But we still had a communication at FB-YM- SMS.

    In September 2011, were our romance happened. (flashback To notes; 2010 we still have contacts though we're not that really close. Then 2011, from 2/19/11 I got busted and my parents locked me up. Well until now though semi-grounded.) that time I sneak to shop just to go online on FB. He message me, asking my where abouts since I've silenced February and we exchange contacts. He even keeps teasing me that. He thought I already married when I said NO. He even jokes that he can court me.

    Then, when we start texting were both that jolly person. And updated both where abouts. And yes his always adding "palipad hanging" stuff. Then one day officially were on. At first yes there's a lot of uncertain but the feeling grew stronger. Our loves keep growing. We plan so many things over the phone. The feeling we had is so real, passionate. That feeling I never felt for my past LDR.

    As we walk through that stage, we face lots of problems. And Everytime we passed that problem my love for him grew even bigger. But distance is really something wreaking us. Im the one who thinks ahead (paranoid) I gave up a lot of times. December, when I said "I can't. Im letting go na" I know I hurt him. but it hurts me too. he posted his last message for me at twitter saying. "ima make here mine again and marry her in 2014" those words when I read I broke down. The day after tomorow I texted him saying "I can't go on. Doing my everyday routine with out him, I was like a robot over controlled. Physically alive. Emotionally DEAD" but that didn't bring us back. Through holidays we text each other. But he avoid going back together. What hurting me is, he keeps giving me those assurance that bullshit word that he'll goin to win me back in 2012 or after he graduated. Those words. Are too powerful that until now there's this stupid hope I had keeping his words and believing that sooner or later hell come back for me.

    *another thing is, his in a rel. now with that girl. His classmate, when we we talked about it. "Yung love a sayo. Pero sya kasi naka kasama ko." </3
    Last message in my inboxed was. "please do not cut our communication. Please lng" "Keep that hope, even just that hope".

    -until now. Im just waiting for something "unsure".