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Kongregate Love

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    Kongregate Love

    So, I had always been bullied in school, still am. I was bullied so much, I was forced onto the internet to search for friends. At that time, I had been going to the YMCA pool with my dad, going swimming, and i met this guy, Will.

    Now Will Perry was a the nicest man I ever met, even nicer for telling me about this one game, on this one website.
    Will told me about a game, called Warfare 1917, on this website called Kongregate.
    I had asked him for good games to play, at the time, I liked him. I was chubby, he was chubby.

    It is now November 20th 2012 right now, 8:53. I wish I could thank him.

    I saw him after that, but we've lost connection by now. I know where he lives, still have his phone number, think he blocked me though. I remember I kissed him on the cheek, I nearly shit rainbows too.
    On my birthday, we randomly invited him, he had nothing to give me, so he gave me $15 dollars. I have the card still.

    Anways, I checked out this website he told me about. The game was amazing, but even more amazing was the Game Chat beside the game window. I made an account, Xandrali4, and logged in.
    The first Chatroom I came to was filled with a bunch of assholes. I forgot the chatroom name though.
    Oh, it was called; "Barren's Chat,". They said I was a guy, told me to show them my tits to prove I was female. They cyberbullied me. I left for a few days, and then went back on. I went into a different chatroom.

    It was called Home.

    I came in upon a conversation, and by that time I was really into my role-play, and a bit cocky about it. I did some fancy role-play to get everyone's attention, and I got one male's attention too.


    I still remember what I thought of him when I met him, how awesome, kind, and amazing he was. So funny, also a smartass, but adorakable.
    God, the memories are literally bringing me to tears. Him and i talked, but I did talk to everyone else even. I left that day, not wanting to, but knowing I had to.
    The next day I came back, he was there. I think I introduced him to role-play? Or maybe that was over a span of a couple days, but still. I think that is when I started to feel the need to be with him.

    I don't know how long we knew eachother before he asked me out, but he did. I remember what happened. I screamed in my head, screamed in role-play, "YES" at him, and jumped excitedly. I remember after that we used to role-play, and he would carry me. Stuff.
    We got to know eachother, and in doing so, I also chat-hopped. Migrating to other chatrooms in Kongregate, Kong we called it. I found others, Jessica and Oblivion1234567 for one.
    Bringing them to Home was one of the best mistakes in my life, and worst mistake at the time.
    It was the best mistake in my life for a lot of reasons. I don't know what I'd do without them. Paul and I don't talk much, but hey, I've been trying to get in touch. Jessica and I, we're still real close. I love that gal. She's like a sister.

    Anyways, bringing them in was one of the worst mistakes at the time because when Jose met Jessica, I don't know. Or whatever. We had recently broken up after a period of 3 days, or 3 weeks. I don't know which it was, I know it had to do with 3 though. After like a month, or two, Jessica and him had gotten together. By that time, Jessica and me were close, and him dating my best friend, let alone after dumping me, was bad. Real bad.
    I let my emotions get ahold of me.
    When Jessica and him announced to the chatroom that he and her were together, I think I cried, and I left for a couple days.
    Through-out their relationship, I was torn to pieces. I dated a series of men. DecemberDragon, Obby, and one more, forget. I was in a state of depression. I was just sick of it. Through the course of their 3 month relationship was the beginning of something horrible. Hate? Hate for both of them.

    Hate for Jessica because I THOUGHT she took him, and Hate for Jose only because he told her he loved her. He never said that to me. He dumped me because he didn't see a future, because I was too immature. I admit I was, but he did it so coldly. I remember the words.
    Actually, he had been asking and asking to see a video of me. I was so insecure, so shy. I linked him to one of my videos, but I had failed to go through it myself. I left him to watch it, and when I came back, it was over.
    I handed him my heart, and he handed me back this torn piece of rotten flesh.
    He saw no future with me, but he saw one with Jessica.
    My depression worsened through-out the time period.

    All in all, I believe I was the cause of their break-up. I led Jessica to a site, called IMVU, and she got attached. And it was my fault. My fault. I still beat myself up over it.

    Somehow, him and I strengthened our long-lost friendship. Slowly, and painfully. He wanted me to confide in him. That fucker. Confide in him? After the last time I tried to, no way.
    But I did, I fell into his trap again. We got together again, October 6th. We're still together. I'm watching him play Skyrim via Skype right now, he is so cute.

    UPDATE: January 28th, 10:58 PM

    We're still together, and he came to visit me! For the first time. My parents payed for his flight, and it was amazing. He was so handsome, and everything I thought he would be. His internet is out for now, his mom is short on money to pay the bill, but it's fine by me, we get to go back to talking on the phone, I love it. Because I get so sleep when talking to him. .-.
    Someday I'll post the less violent story, but that is what happened. It kind of makes Jose seem like a bad person, but that was stated from my point of view at the time. He is really a good person. He came for christmas. On December 23rd he arrived at 9:10 ...and left on the 26th. Best six days of my life. I'm not sure if I posted this right anyways. O_O

    There is little to no detail in this story.
    But there is such thing as love via online standards, you just have to dig around for it.
    Out of the billions of people on the internet, I found him.
    The love of my life.

    I love you Jose.