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No No No.. okay... maybe.

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    No No No.. okay... maybe.

    So, I'm the sort of person who always thought that LDRs could never work and I would never be so silly as to get involved in something like that. Especially not some stranger on the internet. And then I met Matty. At the time I was 22 and had just broken my arm after losing my job so I was sitting on my butt at my mom's house all the time. My brother showed me a game and I met this guy but eventually the games sort of died out and I stopped haning out on there. One day, in boredom, I followed that friend into a different game. This one was just text based, all writing. I loved it. Made some new friends, didn't really think much of it at the time. Of course, I met his friends, one of which was his 'best' one. I started talking to Matt through him, we just hit it off right away. Of course, he neglected to mention his girlfriend.

    Matty was very much internet popular, charming really. He was funny and nerdy and sort of awkward so most of the less socially capable girls had a thing for him. At first, we just RPed and talked randomly over messenger when the server was down. After all, neither of us had much else to do. He was on summer break and I was still unemployed so there was no harm in staying up until we were ready to pass out. Our talking got more and more serious, to the point where he eventually had to tell me he was already in an LDR with some other girl. He admitted that he didn't like to talk to her but felt bad breaking it off. They were together the whole year or so before we got together but he avoided talking to her for a good chunk of it. It was so frustrating, I didn't want to be the reason that he broke it off with her but I still wanted him to. I got called stupid a lot for that one by some of our mutual friends.

    Eventually they did break it off and just about immediately we ended up together, which he wanted to keep a secret for a while. It was still all online, though we did talk on the phone more often. The hardest part was when I left for Job Corps, since I couldn't find a job and needed to find a way to do something with myself. He was still online most of the time but I couldn't get on messenger from here since it's blocked on these computers. It still sucks, but we adjusted. It wasn't until my three-week summer break that we met face to face. He spent the whole time just hanging out with me and it was great. I just about broke when I had to go back to school and he had to go home. Now we're trying to figure out how soon we will be able to be together and when, still going strong.