So far I've only written things that would be considered a short story. I'm going to try to sit down and write my first real full length romance novel. I appreciate everyone here who wants to keep updated with me and my long distance interest. I feel like once I get that eBook published, it will become a hit if I can market it right. I will only PM the link to those who would like to read it. I often dream of that book becoming best selling and then I use that money to buy a car to go see him: how ironic, huh? A story about us earns me the money to go make us happen. I always put myself in awkward yet amusing situations. I wonder what our first meeting will be like. I hope we can laugh off everything that was said before we met because we both know we were just going crazy from not being able to see each other any time soon and that's all that was.

Sometimes I wish I can fast forward into the future to our first meeting, but then again, who knows if we will ever meet? I warned him in our last conversation that if he doesn't try to contact me, and I don't try to contact him, then we'll possibly never talk again and I have nightmares about that. I said I don't want him to end up like the others forgotten in time so I hope when he has more time he will be able to talk to me more. He replied, "I never said I never wanted to talk again, just that I'm busy right now and I do want to talk" or something like that. So I'm going to see if I don't contact him for a while, when summer comes will he reach out to me again.