My SO works every other weekend. Last weekend he had off so we planned to go to the volcanic hot springs and relax. Well, he got super sick so instead we stayed home and I made soup and cleaned up. Sort of like every other day of my week. I feel bad he was sick, and obviously he didn't do it on purpose. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little resentful because of it.

This week he has somehow managed to get off again (because he's going to work on Independence Day) but he'll only get off if they "don't need him to work". uugghh... I've already looked up hostels for the area. I already have a doggy hotel for Perlita lined up. If he calls me and tells me he has to work this weekend...

I'm going to scream. Or cry. Or run away. Or something.

*crossed fingers for good news*