My favorite seasons have always been fall and spring. Here in tropical paradise we have two seasons, rainy and dry. And it's still pretty rainy during the dry season. Which means it looks the same every single day. Granted, it is beautiful here. We have gorgeous, sunny mornings and really rainy afternoons. The vegetation flourishes and there is green everywhere you look.

But I miss the golden colors of the fall. I miss wearing sweaters and scarfs. I'm going to miss seeing ice-covered trees sparkling in the sun and the comfort of a warm meal. I won't get to see the eventual thaw into spring flowers. Or the heat radiating off the street in the summer.

I love it here, but the lack of seasons almost makes time seem stagnant. I can't look around at the falling leaves and think "Wow! Autumn already!" I see the date and know it's October, but it doesn't feel that way.

I want my seasons back