Just finished filling out an online marriage license application! This shit just got real!

Lucky for you guys I leave for Colorado tomorrow and probably will not be on the internet for about a week! So you get a break from my rambling bloggage.

I was so excited last night I could barely sleep. Then I woke up too early and couldn't get back to sleep. So now I feel all half awake and have so much to get done today!

My SO found some purple paper to attempt to make copies of the program onto. If they don't turn out well, he's just going to sneak print them at work.

I've started the laundry and have about 2 more loads to do. (I've always wanted to use that smiley!)

I need to PACK! for the trip. Although it probably won't be as much as I think it will be. Since we have no cold weather clothes nor ski clothes, we'll basically be packing t-shirts and jeans. We have to borrow all cold weather stuff, so it's kind of nice to not have to pack it all! I need to make sure to pack some sunscreen and all my appropriate makeup.

TMI- I shaved today and that's as shaved as I'm going to get until we get back to CR.

After my SO gets off work today we'll be heading to the store to pick up a few last minute things. I'm having 2 friends tag-team take care of the puppy while we're gone. I'm going to buy a nice-ish bottle of wine (I'm thinking around $15, big spender here! ) for one of them, and for the other I'm going to get her a pack of the German sausages that she loves so much. I also still need to get a shoe insert for my heels. They're about a full size too big for me!

I need to water my plants before I go.

I need to write up a little sheet for each of my friends so they know how to take care of the puppy.

My second friend is going to be staying at the house for a few days, so I put fresh sheets on the bed. Although to be honest I put on our second-nicest sheets instead of our nicest sheets. I'm just sort of sure she'll have someone "over" and I don't want that mess on my nice sheets!

So I also need to finish cleaning up and organizing the house. Our cleaning lady is coming this afternoon, so that'll obviously be a big help. But I still need to organize shit. Also I need to iron my SO's shirt for his suit.

And I'm going to get my nails done today. I decided to go with that kind of dark pinky purple color that was the middle color on my last post. Because I really like it. And who cares if it doesn't match!

I'm so tempted to put something on facebook, especially since my SO has given me the green light. BUT I also want to wait. I'm thinking of posting tonight "going to colorado, PS-getting married on Saturday!" And also because my mom is sending out wedding announcements either today or tomorrow. So they'll probably get to everyone before it gets "facebooked". I don't know... we'll see...

SO. The next time I blog it'll be for posting lots of pictures and telling the story!