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  • Miss You Issues: Write It Out

    Miss You Issues: Write It Out

    Dear Miss U, I have been having a tough time going through the distance. I love my boyfriend with all my heart, and I want nothing to come between us, but that is very difficult with my parents. My parents are very strict, I can't make any decisions in my life, and when I try to make a decision, I am usually yelled at and hit. Making me more and more depressed. The worst that has ever happened is that I have been choked by my own father by a decision I tried to make. Me and my loved one talk on...
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  • Miss You Issues: The Dawn Of LDR

    Miss You Issues: The Dawn Of LDR

    Dear Miss U,

    I recently realized I had to move away from my boyfriend of 3 months, I want to know if there's anything I need to know about starting a long distance relationship? My boyfriend knows and really wants it to work as well.

    Dear Zelda, I feel the only thing people need to know about starting a long distance relationship is that you need to treat the relationship and your partner the same, regardless of proximity. That means making time for ea...
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  • Miss You Issues: Talking It Up

    Miss You Issues: Talking It Up

    Dear Miss U, Me and my boyfriend have only ever met once and he proposed to me to be my girlfriend through phone calls. He's currently out of town because of his thesis and his work, and we haven't seen each other for half a year. We are both Cancers and very affectionate and I know he loves me, but sometimes he does this thing every month where he says that he is tired of our conversations everyday that seemed too monotone for him. He wants me to contribute more to the conversation and I swear...
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  • Miss You Issues: Life Or Love?

    Miss You Issues: Life Or Love?

    Dear Miss U, Recently you gave me advice on how to deal with the pain caused by such a large distance. It was fantastic advice and worked well but unfortunately I find myself in need of your advice again. I have been paying for a trip to India through an organization called world challenge and they are offering a once in a lifetime opportunity that could even help me get jobs etc. in the future, although it costs a lot of money and keeping up with payments can be stressful. I've also been lookin...
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  • Miss You Issues: Decisions

    Miss You Issues: Decisions

    Dear Miss U, My partner and I both want to move in together since we have both had our fair shares of long distance relationships. He is trying to find a job here with no luck (he hates his job). I might have found one for myself in his town, and his family is way more supportive than mine. I am going to a tour around that prospective job in his town but I am dreading it. My current bosses are so nice to me. They even got my partner an interview here. My biggest concern is they just fin...
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  • Miss You Issues: Fat Shaming, Pregnancy & U.

    Miss You Issues: Fat Shaming, Pregnancy & U.

    Dear Miss U, The distance just makes things hard to fix. It seems I'm being a crappy girlfriend. I haven't been the best lately. I feel it's because I have resentment held. We've discussed it & it just hasn't gotten any better feeling for me. He has issues with my sexual style compared to his, but it's mostly about what's wrong with me. The other night over Skype, I was telling him about my chiropractor appointments to help my chronic muscle tension. Since the beginning, we've disc...
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  • Miss You Issues: Feminism, Rape Culture, Rebellion & Love

    Miss You Issues: Feminism, Rape Culture, Rebellion & Love

    Dear Miss U, I am really struggling, especially lately with my relationship. We live 3 and a half hours away from each other but I do not drive and his car doesn't have the ability to come down here. Any way, we visit every couple to a few months now. My main questions of the problems that I am dealing with are as follows: (His ex-girlfriend was forced to be sexually acted upon at a party so now he is overprotective of me). Is it normal for him to be upset whenever I wear makeup (he loves me na...
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  • Miss You Issues: Apart Is The Problem

    Miss You Issues: Apart Is The Problem

    Dear Miss U, My long distance boyfriend and I are having big problems following the times we have together. We manage to see each other every few months, for 3-4 days each time, and our time together is wonderful without any problems. However, when we have to go home, we both have big problems going back to our normal lives and not spending too much time longing for the other person. He becomes snappy and short tempered for a few weeks after we meet, and just upset in general, while I bec...
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  • Miss You Issues: Where The Future Leads

    Miss You Issues: Where The Future Leads

    Dear Miss U, the boy that I have been in this relationship for this long time and never actually met. he knows me better than anyone and even when he makes me cry, I only want to cry to him and lately we haven't been getting along. I keep saying I'm going to leave him and I never can do it and it's hurting him and he is taking it out on me by not showing he cares. he won't say he loves me or he won't call me any "pet names" anymore. I don't know what to do and I know I don't want anyone exce...
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  • Miss You Issues: Having Faith In Feelings

    Miss You Issues: Having Faith In Feelings

    Dear Miss U, We met online, he lives in USA and I’m in Australia. Due to my past bad experiences, friendship was all I was after despite his admission to having feelings for me early on. The more we talked, however, I found myself falling for the goof. We talked it out and admitted that we wanted to be in a relationship, so we began to plan it out. I’m going there to visit next year, then he plans to move here. We’ve discussed the obstacles we would face such as visas, our families, work etc....
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  • Miss You Issues: Issues To Figure Out

    Miss You Issues: Issues To Figure Out

    Dear Miss U, My ex recently left for college and I stayed back home studying. We were in love, he gave me a promise ring, he even asked me if I would marry him in four years. We were doing good, it just had been a month and a half since he left but one day he called and said it wasn't healthy for him because of how much he missed me so he wanted to end it but after a few hours he called crying and I accepted him back. A week after he ended it again. Said something had changed, there was no spar...
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  • Miss You Issues: Nothing Unreasonable

    Miss You Issues: Nothing Unreasonable

    Dear Miss U, I have an incredibly special relationship. We met in dreams before we ever connected (online), we share the same sense of humor, same taste in music, same ideals and even the same thoughts. If I feel an inexplicable emotion, it's more than likely because he is. If he gets hurt, I feel it in my own body before he even tells me. We became very close friends early on, and then that matured into the most profound love I have ever felt for another human being. It's scary and beautiful a...
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  • Miss You Issues: The Time Has Come

    Miss You Issues: The Time Has Come

    Dear Miss U, My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months now the last time I wrote to you was in march 2015 that was the start of our relationship, you advised me to wait at least one year then I could start planning the trip to Germany in two months will be one year, I'm thinking to travel in January in January 10th Will be his birthday. I have been saving money lately, the last time you advised me that I was old enough to make my own decisions, and I'm still maintaining to that, I hav...
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  • Miss You Issues: Seeing The Light

    Miss You Issues: Seeing The Light

    Dear Miss U, I have been talking to this guy I met online 2 months ago... I am just confused with what he is really up to. We started being so mushy mushy and we kinda got so hot one time... he even said regards to my family. However, when I asked him about relationships, I found out that he is not a fan of long distance relationships. He is a very frank person. He tells me when he is depressed... he tells me when he is not feeling well.. He tells me when he is busy and all... he tells...
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  • Miss You Issues: You Know Nothing

    Miss You Issues: You Know Nothing

    Dear Miss U, Over the summer in Mexico I meet the most amazing guy ever his name was Edwin. Although he had a girlfriend but I didn't care because I also had a guy in my life that I had meet earlier that summer. I cheated on him one night with the Edwin. Yes I told the first guy and in the end I broke up with him. I was so dedicated to Edwin and still am. Everything's been going perfect. He's even meet my parents who absolutely love the kid. They even already bought my ticket to Mexico for Decembe...
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