On Saturday My SO and I spent the day in London. It was actually a nice day so once we got to the main station we decided to walk instead of take the tube. We stopped for pizza then he wanted to check out a Jimi Hendrix exhibit. It was alright, they had a room full of Fender guitars you could play that he liked. I have one back home and he spent the next hour trying to convince me to bring it back after I get my visa because it is a crime to have my guitar sitting at home unplayed.

Then he wanted to go to a coffee shop that had had good reviews. I don't share the same passion for coffee as he does, so I just watched him drink it. He always tries to get me to try his coffees but they are never good.

We had bought tickets for the Pompeii exhibit at the British museum so we slowly walked in that direction and on the way we stumbled across this coffee shop i had heard about. It is called The Attendant and it is in an old victorian mens toilet! We thought we'd check it out. It was a very strange concept. It was well done, you walked down the stairs and the attendant door and window were still there and so were the ceramic urinals they had converted into a bar to sit at.

Here is a before and after. Kinda neat, kind of weird to have ate my lemon loaf off of though.

We then headed to the Museum. TIckets had been booked out for weeks but we managed to find some off a third party website, woo! We went to see the Pompeii exhibit. I really enjoyed it. As terrible of a tragedy as it was, it perfectly preserved everything and it is an amazing window into the past. My SO likes museums but i've seen so many artifacts over time I get bored of pots and all that shit really easily now. But I loved all of it, maybe because you knew the story behind these ones. They had a section where bread which the makers stamp and berries and even olive oil had been found and preserved, although very burnt. The paintings and even paper scrolls were still intact, it was pretty amazing. At the end they had the figures of some of the people, they used plaster to fill in holes while digging revealing amazingly detailed molds of the people.
I was quite sad though, you could still make out the faces and there was one of an entire family in their last pose.

After that we went to eat, we found a little cocktail place and had hot dogs. We had a little time before our reservation so we went to see the decorated easter eggs in Covent Garden.

My SO had made a reservation for this place called BYOC. It's a bar basically without a license, so you bring your own alcohol and they make you drinks. It has been really popular this it opened so we've had this reservation for like 6 weeks. We went to go find it and I didn't see it anywhere. He said he saw it and we went in to this little juice bar o.0 and he said he has a reservation. They took our coats and we had to go around the counter in to this little door down this secret stairway to get to the place!
The place was no bigger then my bedroom. and there was a total of 10 other people down there. It was dimly lit and they had a gramophone playing 20's music. It was like a little speak easy. The "bartender" had a little cart full of all sorts of mixes that he wheeled up and down the aisle to make drinks.

Found a photo of it

I have never had such cocktails! He made us a yellow pepper one, that smelled and tasted just like a yellow bell pepper, it was amazing!! He also made us a cucumber one that was also really good. You have a two hour slot when you book but because there was no more reservations after us we paid for another hour. Because it was so small everyone was really friendly. One table offered us drinks and then we gave them some when it was our turn to have drinks made. It was really cool.

The next morning I thought I was going to die, but we had to get up to go to this pub his friend had booked for his Bday. Needless to say I didn't drink. Greg (bday boy) gf is Canadian but she seems a little stuck up and I don't think he is a fan of my SO. We talked to this other couple who was really nice and then my SOs other friend and gf came who we get along well with came. It was nice to see everyone, since usually everyone has hectic schedules.

Today I finally got to see the doc. It is such a stupid system here. I can't call and say I want to book an appointment, I have to call everyone morning at 8am and see if they have anything available. I had to get more birth control and I use the nuva ring. I told the doc I wanted it and he said he had never heard of it. So he looked it up and commented on how expensive it is and that he was going to get knuckled for prescribing it. I insisted it was the only one that works for me and he prescribed it. I get that the NHS pays for it, but I pay taxes and I would appreciate not being given the cheapest shit they hand out to everyone. Plus it is cheaper then me getting knocked up and claiming benefits!