I got a new car today! It's awesome!!!! It has a sun roof and there is this hologram that shows in the window of how fast you are going, air conditioning, radio controls on the wheel and it's super charged! haha The impressive part....its a 1998! It has more nifty things then my 2001 did

It's a little blurry, I took it with my phone but here is my new baby. It needs a name, any suggestions?

My sister is in a pissy mood cause I came home with a nicer car then her. I don't get why she is taking it so personally, it isn't like we looked at it and went' Gotta get that one to 1 up my sister!" She's always been like that. The other day I was helping my mom clean out the spare room and I found an un opened DVD player. I asked if she wanted it and my Dad said no, so I asked if I could put it in my boxes of house things for when I move out and he said sure. Well my sister talked to him later that night saying it he needed to watch what he said in front of her cause it wasn't fair that I got it (she already has one and a massive tv) My dad had to remind her that I haven't been home in the past two years so there are things she's gotten that I haven't and he also paid nearly 2gs for all her sewing equipment when she was in school.

Anyway, the car was a steal $2500 only 180 000 kms. It was going to cost $900 to rent a car while my SO was here for two weeks so this seemed a little more cost effective while I am here and I can always sell it if I leave.

I went to my Grandparents tonight to help plant flowers with my mom. Homeless Jesus was there and the first thing he said to me was that the tea I was about to use had the highest level of pesticides in it of all teas. I just said 'good, I like pesticides' I guess my Gma had a bit of a break down on Friday to my mom. I guess the plan as it stands how is that my Dad is going to take HJ out and warm him about what is about to happen and that if he raises his voice he'll ring his neck. Then my Dad will take him back to my Grandparents where my Uncle will be with my Gma. I will have taken my Gpa for lunch to get him out of the house since he can't handle the stress. Then Gma will tell him he last to leave. They'll give him x amount of days to get out with whatever things he wants, anything after that we will bring in a bin and remove the rest of that shit. I really hope it goes as planned, we still have to get my Uncle on board with being there but it's gotten to the point where its enough.

It's already 9 days till my SO gets here. I still have so much to do to get ready for camping and stuff. The time has gone by super fast. I am looking forward to camping with him but I know that seeing him means there is going to be some tough decisions. I think I am going to tell him regardless I'm not ready to go back right away. I think a big indicator of whether we stay together will be how he greets me at the airport. I passionate kiss, good. I peck with open eyes, bad. So I guess we will see. I think I know what I need to do, my heart just isn't on board just yet.