I'm not supposed to tell anyone. It's a secret. But I have to tell someone! Obi doesn't understand. It's exciting and I'm a girl
So, this must stay here in the cone of silence that is my blog... But...

Obi and I have decided that it is logical and preferable for us to have the wedding in Australia!!

You have no idea how happy this makes me! For several reasons... Imagine it. I have a very small family, Obi has so many family members he doesn't know all their names. It's painful for me to know that a lot of the people I'd have liked at my wedding are dead, without compounding that with, them not being able to come because they can't afford to. But this way the people I care about can come (I'm from poorer stock than Obi) and the people Obi doesn't care about who would likely end up comming if it was in Canada wont. Everyone's happy.

We will still have to pay to fly a few people though, like Obi's closest mates, but it still works out cheaper - and it means we have longer to save the money and plan the wedding. If we did it in Canada and wanted a summer wedding, we'd need to do it by August and that's not really feasable. Staying longer in Canada also isn't really feasable, because we're sposed to be back home in September. There are other reasons too - like Australia is prettier (Obi's words, not just my personal bias) - but the moral of this ramble is YAY!!!

Now we have to break it to his family. The guilt trips will roll for sure, but either country we choose the guilt trips will roll. But hell, they holiday all the time! They can afford this!! I'm scared Obi will be preassured too hard and change his mind... but I do need to have more faith in the bloke.

I'm scared it's too good to be true!

He's resisiting me on letting me have a bridesman... and the fact I don't want his sister to be my bridesmaid... she could be a groomswoman!! But there's still time...