... not blogging. Oh well.

I don't want to sleep alone again, but then I know not sleeping wont stop me being lonely. Ahh, the beauty of LDR. It can't be long now, surely. I'm putting all my hopes on not having to push that plane ticket back a second time. And, the application for the visa clearly states we're to be married in the first week of Feb. Surely my government isn't nasty enough to not give us enough time to get things sorted, no matter which way they decide. I like to believe all people are reasonable. Sometimes I'm wrong though. But if he comes home on that flight it's 33 full days without him to go. I'm over half way there - if IF he comes home then. Everything else has fallen into place recently, how could it not be soon? Right?

Well "everything" might be a bit of a strech. Renos on the house were disheartening this week. A mate of mine even came round to pitch in, but we still hardly got anything done. I was only there for the Sunday (today) of course, I traveled down on the train after my job training Saturday, but it was 10pm by the time I'd gotten in and it'd been a hectic day so I went straight to bed.
Then today I was all set to start working early... but like always there was a supply run needed before we could get started, Bec and Chris had trouble getting out of bed (and you can't blame them, they work full time during the week then donate their entire weekends to this house. I wouldn't want to get up either.) and then there was a Maccas run for breakfast, so nothing got done before 10:30am.

We got two coats of undercoat on the front enterance (which is like a room, less than a meter square) and got 3 large pieces of gyprock and 2 tiny pieces on the wall in the kitchen - the kitchen was supposed to be fully gyprocked this weekend. We didn't get a third of it done. And Chris did an excilent but time-chewing plumbing job, which we wont complain about because it saved us a couple hundred bucks.
But still, progress is crawling along. Bec's stressed and constantly angry. I'm afraid to speak to her because every little thing sets her off, but even if I don't piss her off Chris always manages to (most of the time without having done anything a reasonable person would consider wrong). The constant bickering is really wearing me down. I'm a gentle soul, and an honest one. So it's hard to shut my mouth Things will be so much easier once this weight is off everyone's shoulders.

But, that aside, it's nearly November. Hopefully we'll get some trick or treaters coming past tomorrow night. I'm so excited. Then Tuesday is my first shift at work - training mostly, and only three hours so I'm not too scared - yay. AND it's also the start of NaNo. NaNo that I have not planned for really at all. EEK! Hopefully the rush of NaNo and work will eat up November and spit me out still sane at the other end.

I don't feel up to any of this right now. But, I know everything is better in the morning.