Seriously I do.

I have a husband. He's beautiful. He works hard at this relationship. He keeps me happy.
He has a job. It's full time. If he keeps it and ends up perminent that would be awesome. I believe he can make this happen.
My book is nearly finished. It's so close I can almost taste it.
I have a small journalism gig, it makes me happy too. My boss seems to like my work, what more is there?
My checkout chick job is giving me better hours, and people are so friendly.
The other day I worked a five hour shift I wasn't rostered for completely by accident. I didn't get in trouble Apparently I'm not the only one who's done it. Woo, extra money.
The house will be done soon, it must be! Maybe by my birthday? Hopefully.
I'm just counting my blessings.
I've been having so much fun, just being in this country, seeing my friends, hanging out with Bec.
Things are happening. There will be progress. <3

Tonight I will sleep alone for the first time since being married. I hate sleeping alone, but it needs to be done. I have to go to the country to work on the house, and he has to stay here to work. I know missing each other always ends well

Things are just great. I love my life.