Before we go any further... This must not be mentioned on my facebook!!!

But yes... You know what two lines means don't you?

I'm Pregnant.

At first, I freaked out a little bit. But, I'm cool now. It's not like we weren't trying (though, we're still telling people it's a mistake, don't blow my cover people.) but when I found out, I was so scared. Not the reaction I expected at all. I was sure I wasn't pregnant - we didn't really do the wild thing that much this month, being so busy with work, and spending several nights a week in seperate towns - while last month I'd have put money on it...

But I noticed a few things, mostly - I've been so tired, absolutely floored- tired, and I've completely lost my appetite. Weird. Then I had massive period pain, but my period got later and later.... So I tested. I got two solid lines before I even got the cap back on, it was amazing.

This was Thursday. Today is Monday, and today the really old doctor down at the clinic (yes, I don't even have a GP >.>) gave me my blood results. I am really healthy, I was surprised. I'm also around seven weeks pregnant - which means this baby is a honeymoon baby - possibly even from the wedding night <3

I'm quite excited!

It's... it's... yeah. I don't even have words.

Physically, I'm queasy - not in the morning, but all day. I'm trying to obey all the food rules, cut down the caffine, cut out alcohol (though the baby is likely pickled from my honeymoon ), all that good stuff.

I told Bec (you may recall me being afraid of having to do that) and it didn't go too badly. If she has an issue, she's keeping it to herself, which I'm thankful for. Chris (her partner) is super excited. They Made a congratulations banner and a sign that said "you done got knocked up", blew up some condoms for balloons and cooked us a nice meal. I think Obi was twice as touched as I was.

I told him in a special way. He wasn't at all shocked though, he felt it was about time. I got a kinder surprise and took the toy out, replacing it with a note that said "Congratulations, you're going to be a Daddy", then I put the chocolate back together and re-wrapped it. He couldn't even tell I tampered with it.
When he read it this huge grin spread across his face, it was beautiful!

So yes, that's what's been going on here.

Some of my family and friends know, but not all of them and I don't want them finding out from Facebook or anything. No one on Obi's side of the fence know. He wanted to wait til we knew how far along I was. And he's probably a bit scared too. We're supposed to be in his sister's wedding party in October, but math tells me I'd due within a month of her wedding. I wont be flying anywhere (I think it's after 7 months you can't fly?) and Obi wont leave me if it's likely I'll drop while he's gone.

Sooo, yeah. Well, we moved our wedding date for her... fair is fair right? Hah, we will see.

Oh! He's confirmed as keeping his job, so we're house hunting. Everything is just swimming along.

I'm so happy <3 and queasy. But happy! <3