After recent comments about my situation, and my audacity to create a group for others who are in a similar situation to mine, I have felt a little upset. But now I have more reason to be upset, and all this might be a moot point soon anyway. I really don't think it's going to last much longer.

He told me today that he's not sure of anything. He's not even sure of how he feels, except he likes my company, and I'm a close friend. I tried teasing him a bit, asked him Who he was and what he did with my Sexxy man. He said he's tired, having issues at home, and that is affecting his drive. He isn't sure how he feels about me and our relationship, and he isn't sure about anything right now. As usual, he disappeared right in the middle of the conversation. He always does that, rather than face feelings and talk things out. After several minutes of chatting by myself, I told him, Fine have it your way. See you around, maybe someday.

He came back a little later to say Goodnight. And I told him Goodnight. I hope we can sort this out before too long, because I don't like the way it's going lately. It hurts too much. And I told him straight out that I'm not sure how much longer this will last. Better luck next life, but I'm not sure we will make it in this life, and I'm about to give up hope.

The sad thing about this is I don't even know what to say to him anymore, because he can't seem to handle my feelings, and can't handle it when I tell him I love him. I guess that's why I've been demoted to just friend.