In every relationship theres a certain amount of worry one has towards their partner. For me I only have a few because I love and trust my Jonny boy so dash darn much. Anyway I have two main worries and they are...

1. Him not coming to see me in July-as planned because during the beginning of our relationship he said he was coming to see me and I would get excited and tell people but then he couldn't come. So this time I'm not getting to excited until he books the plane and gets his tickets and literally is packing will I get excited. I believe he's coming, I do. It's just the waiting and seeing what is going to happen is killing me.

2. I worry about the big picture future plans. As it stands we want to get engaged and have a long engagement till I'm out of college and teaching-hopefully and he's become a police officer. And get him moved over here and that will happen in the next year or so-most likely near the end of our 2nd yr and going into our 3rd. Since we want to visit each other twice before he moves over. And if he comes in July it will be his first visit and I plan on visiting him during a school break in the Fall or Winter and that will be my first. We want to met each other's families and get to know one and another on a deep, dare I say intimate level?

Those are my two chucks of worry I have. I dont worry about these two often but they are always in the back of my mind. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy and content. I just don't want to lose him he's my world and I know I'm his world too. It's true love I'm telling you!