School is a distraction for me. From the pain I feel sometimes waiting for my future hubby. Lol. I miss him so much but since I'm putting all I can into school. That way it sort of distracts me from the emotion of all that comes with an LDR...When I said to my boyfriend that I would be his I didn't know what all came with it. The first few months were manageable. But its 10 months now going into 11 in two days. But my point is it's hard to stay strong all the time. As much as I want a tough exterior I have a soft inside. And a couple days ago this guy from my table named Dan was saying in general to the people who sit with us that she shouldn't bother with long distance because it doesn't work. And I snapped at him telling him to stop talking about that then I started crying. I couldn't help it when people say stuff like that it gets to me. It shouldn't, but it does. But I will remain strong for him and for myself. But I just want everything to work out in the end. To start a life together. Have kids at some point. The reason why I want us to be engaged is that security thing that everything will be okay in the end. You know what I'm talking about? I love him more than I have ever loved any man. Im serious. I would cross oceans for us to be together. And I know in my heart he'd move the mountains to be with me.