When I was miles away from my hometown and near endless fields and horses running free with each other. It made wish that I could just be free like a horse, they can run wherever they want and they are free. Free to do whatever they want. Drop everything they have an just run somewhere and find a mate or friends. Horses in the wild travel in packs but some may rome alone. I just wish sometimes I could have that freedom and wildness of a wild horse, break free, not be so afraid of whats to come. Let go. And just run. I wish I could just drop school and fly over tomorrow if I could to England. But I know reality isn't that way with people. It's not the movies and I can't just get on a plane without some consequence or way of somebody coming after me, to drag me back. Just wish life could be easier but then what would the challenge be in a sense. Idk. I just felt like using horses as a metaphor and symbolic figure. I love horses and sometimes I feel like they can read my soul with their eyes that reflect me in them. Maybe they can. I was around horses today and they all seem to comfort me in a small but caring way. I don't know how to describe it exactly but I do believe horses have some psychic connection power with humans-but I don't want to sound crazy saying that.I hope you get my point and aren't looking at the screen like-- lol.