I found this on my computer and wanted to share; I wrote it awhile ago. btw. And Kira is one of my best friend and the 8th grade romance bit was in 8th grade he dumped me after 11 and a half months at my aunts house on the fourth of july. And it ruined other relationships for me and made me scared of getting hurt for awhile. HERE IT GOES:

Yes I admit.
I’m a little afraid.
Of what?
You may ask.
My wonderful,
It’s never been better.
And I love him with all my heart.
But I’m scared of something unknown.
What if he doesn’t come?
What if Kira’s right?
What if he finds someone else?
I don’t want that to happen.
I love him too much.
I don’t want to lose him.
He’s my everything. Really.
No pun intended Micheal Buble.
Your songs really lighten the heart.
he has crushed and made it past,
all my walls I had built up
and he made it to the point,
where I’ve never had a guy make it to.

The heart.
Because a stupid 8th grade romance,
made me date stupid guys afterwords.
I haven’t found a guy, until now,
who has changed my life around.
Waking me up with a smile and
a dream to last all night.
Yes I am a little scared.
But I am holding it back.
Trying not to be as scared to get hurt.
I trust him with my heart.
I know he won’t play, twist, or break it.
He has those British manners and charm.
Most of all wit.
I need him in my life.
I really do.
I can see myself being with this guy.
Forever, until I die.
Not all people have to die alone.
You might as well find someone to give your heart to.
He has mine.
I know I have his.
We both cried when we had to part.
It takes a lot of love for a man to cry.
I’m not that strong at good-byes so I bawled.
Please god?
If your listening to me..
Please bring him to me,
he’s all I want for my birthday,
he was all i wanted for christmas.

I don’t ask for much.
I barely even pray.
But I feel the need to now.
More than ever.
So please hear me.
Thanks for your time.
I mean it though I want to see him soon.
Skype is fun for awhile.
But I miss his touch.
The feel of his fingers going through my hair.
I miss the feeling of his hair.
His cute smile
and those blue eyes.
That accent that I can’t get enough of.
His voice that makes me want to melt.
I want him here!
Long distance can be hard for some
but we have maintained a healthy, fun relationship.
But please stars of the heavens,
watch down on me and him.
Princesses and Princes in love always looked to the stars.
I know we do as well.
The stars-especially shooting stars remind us of each other.
The night we confessed our love for each other.
He knows what the night sky means to me.
He’s always looking for the brightest star and thinks of me.
I look at the moon and think of him.
Even though there’s that scared feeling,
love overpowers it.
As they say love conquers all.

The Poem is called Scared.Help?
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