On my way home I saw signs on for sale signs from a guy asking a girl to prom and the signs lead all the way out to one of my neighbor's houses and the truth is it got me thinking. Maybe there are only some people out there that have ideal perfect lives and the rest of us were meant to have crappy normal lives. For example no one ever asked me to school dances in high school I always asked them and even for Prom, which now isn't a big deal to some but it was back then I asked a guy I liked. I baked him brownies the whole deal and he rejected me a week before Prom and I went alone with friends who had dates. And it was a depressing night. Seriously. I cried. When I saw the signs coming home I wish a guy had asked me to Prom in a cute way like that or something smaller. I wouldn't have cared I still get depressed thinking about how I went alone to Prom. Thats the one dance I wanted a date and I didn't get one. ...I mean some girls are lucky and they get dates and perfect dresses. They make into great colleges and are popular maybe even join the greek system, my point I'm making is I'm at a community college. I'm getting by fine but I'm in an LDR I dont regret it bc I love my SO. I just wish my life could have been more perfect and simpler like I said in my last blog. I know its my fault I couldn't get into a decent college but i don't know. I'm just ranting.
Im going to start on my stupid h.w assignment. bye!