Yes, I miss him but until he arrives I must find ways to distract myself of the misery of missing him constantly. Being in college is way better than high school. Community College isn't that bad after all but other ways I have found to take my mind off the distance is: (And take note). I drink tea at night before I go to bed it calms my system and warms me up. When I get home from school I finish my homework and read through a cosmo or check my facebook. That last blog I posted about being perfect I was just ranting-I mean Prom isn't that big of a deal but back then it meant a lot. And yes it hurt that I went alone but I'm over it. I guess the other half of it was growing up with an older sister that constantly had dates for dances and seemed perfect in every way. It was jealous I had for a long time and I made myself feel bad because I USE to compare myself to her. I guess being in college has taught me valuable lessons. Im my own person. And I may not be perfect. But I'm beautiful on the inside and out. And my life is perfect in a sense. I got a great boyfriend, I have amazing family members that are constant supporters, and my mom is defiantly my icon-my dads the more mellow kind. But anyway, I'm better. And I love my Jonny very much.