Hey guys, It's me I know I haven't posted in a few days...It's just I don't know what to do about my situation. If you read in my last blog you can easily understand why I'm still a little pissed.Hurt. and Depressed that my SO isn't coming in July. Its our year and it's special to me but he had to spend his money. I want to stay with him but I'm so hurt it's like I don't know what to say to him. And he knows how much I am hurt because I told him and I snapped at him-I felt terrible but I couldn't just act like it was okay-Because it wasn't. I want him here so bad and just when I felt like we were almost there suddenly we aren't. That's a lot to take in but I mean I will just have to face the fact that this Summer I have to spend it alone basically. Just summer classes will keep me distracted a little but I just don't know where to go from here. Its a bump in the road. We were happy and joyful till he said "I have a setback" . Like Avenue Q quotes "It sucks to be me" And now it does suck a lot to me. right now.