OK so here's the deal. Right now I have been in community college a year. I'm taking one summer course twice a week so my summer will be pretty chill. Anyway. For my future in school I hope to transfer to a 4 yr college in my area, and get my bachelor's degree in Education. Start teaching and keep going to school to get my masters. I want to teach English/Creative Writing-If I'm lucky. I want to do Middle School but I could see myself teaching 4-5 grades as well. As far as my SO goes he wants to move over here near the end of our 2nd yr and start training to become a policemen, we both will have side jobs and hopefully living with each other. I told my SO I do want to get married but not right away we will have a long engagement till I'm out of school and teaching and he's done with training and has become a policemen in my area. Then once we both have stable jobs we can get married. That's a good plan right? I think so I mean at least we have a goal we are working towards. He has been researching where to send his information to about police training so I can tell he's getting serious about starting a life together. So I just hope everything works out. And if you're wondering if we have a girl we want to name her Aimee Ray then if we have a boy we are naming him after my SO's best friend Nathan-Our boys full name will be Nathan Rain. I thought it would be nice because they are so close. And plus Nathan will be the god father of our kids. He's such a nice guy-yes I have met him. LOL. But yeah if your wondering why weather for the middle names I just thought it was unique and cool sounding.