Before you call me out yes that is the newest single from Selena Gomez. I only like some of her songs but when this came on my radio station it reminded me of my situation. The chorus that is. Somedays I feel like we are just going round and round and not going anywhere with our plans of seeing each other. I want him to come over so bad and I mean I wont mind going over there either to see him again. I'm going crazy literally and I mean I have reason our 12 month stretch to the 29 is next month. We will be to a year I need to see him before we get too much into our 2nd year. Its all I can think about. How much I need him. I mean he and I talk about our future and I think its to that point where we have that decent image of our future but we aren't focusing on the reality of today. Current time. We need to focus in the present-that word I could not get out earlier-lol. Anyway. What I am trying to say is we talk about marriage and kids and thats normal and all but it's gotten to that point where I'm thinking yes I know our goals/plans for the future. What about the present day? When are you coming? Those sort of categories. We just need to focus more and by We I mean my SO and I. We need to make a date get him his ticket and have him fly over to me.