My SO and I were talking more about our future. Career wise I want to get my teaching certificate and teach english in middle school. And my SO a police officer. Both decent jobs that make a good salary. He told me today that instead of waiting till our 3rd year. He wants to start saving up to move over here within this next year!! That makes me so happy because he will be here Aug. 11 and I know he will love Oly. And when he moves here we can make a life together. And when I was telling him about 2 visas he could choose from to apply either the citizenship or the fiance one. He said "which one takes longer?" I said "I will do more research because I'm not to sure" and he said "I will marry you." And it made me blush and smile because I really want to spend forever with him. I love him so much more everyday. I can see us getting married, getting a dog and a cat then kids. The future just looks brighter every day. For now I will focus on getting a job and school. And of course my wonderful boyfriend. Soon to be fiance? What do you guys think? A proposal on the way? We have talked about marriage many times and even have kids names. (Comment)