It's just me trying to understand why college is feeling more like a weight on my shoulders than a fun life changing experience. The thing is, I am at a community college it's my second year and it looks like at this point I will be spending a third and fourth year there too. It sucks. I don't want to spend another 2 years there. I had a goal in mind that I would transfer after my third year or halfway through I could transfer to the 4 yr college in my area and start their teaching program that I have been dreaming about since I entered the community college and came up with my career. Like in my normal life it's fine cut out school and I have the best life imaginable the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. Good friends an amazing family. Yet when it comes down to just school I'm stressed out and depressed and currently not knowing where to turn or run to. Let me put it this way in high school I did great in history and english and got by in math and science. I was running on the pathway to graduation with the rest of the normal people who were just fine in high school not exactly AP but good students. When I graduated and started my first year at community college the pathway stopped and all through out that year it felt like I was just looking around for places to fit in and go. I made some great friends but they all had pathway-I didn't. It was like looking down a cliff with no path on the other side or anywhere. Now my second year has just started and already I feel that pull to go somewhere-but where? I have a goal but it looks like I can't transfer yet and I am no where near a degree from here. It sucks and it's really depressing. I'm holding in the emotions because my parents already think I'm a drama queen but I need help. I don't know what to do and I'm lost. I just don't understand why I did so well in high school and the moment I get to college it turns to crap all that for nothing almost. I...don't know what else to say.