And he was understanding and he's better now about saving time for us to talk and really getting into our conversations and not getting distracted. And he has been good most of the time before just not all the time but I am so happy with him. I love him with all my heart and I know he feels the same. Now some updates we are currently thinking about sending in the engaged visa to get him moved over here this summer we will send it in so cross your fingers it gets approved and all worked out. Also I am thinking about doing the study aboard program in London next fall and I think it will be good for me to grow and mature even more, and be close to my SO. Plus I need to get away from my home town for a little and it's only for 3 months so not too terrible. I know I'll get home sick but I need this for a bit for me. Thats it pretty much for now I am still in school this year and still planning on becoming a teacher. And he actually wants to go back into auto tech. instead of becoming a police officer which I am happy about. I don't want him getting shot at :/ so it's better this way.