My boyfriend just went to the hospital and he went the doctors earlier because he got a bad stomach pain, head ach, muscle pain, direahea (tmi i know) and blood on stool...more (tmi) i know sorry. But he just left to the hospital and I am so worried. He works at KFC as a cook so I'm worried he got it from the food there-as in he has food poisoning or its something else. idk. I am so worried but his family is being really good and keeping me updated so I am so glad about that. I hope that they either find something and can fix it or they find nothing and he has a cold or something. I don't know but yesterday he was shivering and had a fever-so I am staying up till I hear something. It's only around 2pm here but either way I'm staying near my computer. worried. Idk what to do. What do you guys think it is? I was thinking kidney or appendix possibly?