I Know my boyfriend is always with me no matter where I go. I wear the locket he sent for my birthday and it always is like his spirit is right next to me walking with me, protecting me. So far being a little before our half mark on our second year we are doing great. It doesn't feel as strenuous as the first year just because we get into a routine and we always know they will be waiting on the other line. I am hopefully going there to England in the spring then I will return in the summer and we will fly back over together. Which hopefully on his second visit he will ask my fathers permission to marry me. We are planning on getting engaged this summer and waiting till half way through our third year or near the end to send in the visa that needs to be completed. So I hope all of this works out, I really do want to spend the rest of my life with him. He completes me and is my rock and world. He really keeps me steady which is a balance I've been looking for all my life. And he's got charm enough to be a disney prince. So cheesy but true! He's my other half. My perfect duet. I love him with all my heart and soul and no one else completes my puzzle than him.