My SO and I talked about the situation that happened and about the other situation and we got it all worked out we have a better plan and the Vikki chick is off his profile and he talked to her at work and said if she tried to start anything again with me he'd get her fired, so that was good. And as far as him moving over we are gona go another yr and half way through we will talk and make our final plans for the fourth yr for him to move over here and get a job and get the visas done. I came up with that idea and told him and now he feels more comfortable and not as nervous because he knows I'm here for him. And he knows I am nervous too. What I have learned from this is not to push too much information at someone and to not mind the jealous people in your SO's life because they don't matter in the end. All your SO cares about is you and you alone. I love my So so much and he cares about me so much and he hates to see me hurt. Im grateful to have such a wonderful man as my boyfriend and future husband. He was looking on amazon on my wish list and I think he purchased one of the rings I liked its sliver and says love and the O has a heart and its so sweet and simple. And he said I could consider it like a promise ring. I've never been one for promise rings but I know this one promise will come around. I trust him with all my heart and love him so much. He rly is my world.