So when asking him how he is and how is family is doing he replies:

"Ur the one for me always will be I love no matter what, ur my soul mate and I will wait for my whole if I have to wait that long to be with u"


"We can't make it work though can we Cuz ur gonna turn and say I don't want u anymore I got B, wat do u want me to do, I feel like I just wanna step out infrount of a train and be done with it"

So he's basically saying dont with B, I love you forever and I won't stop loving you and suicide. Now when he mentions stepping out infront of a train- I know he's saying to be dramatic but that concerns me. I dont know what to think when I get those messages honestly. I mean I reply as sweet as I can and I try to make words but it's like my brain can't function.