So I wanted to ask you guys if your parents shoot you down when your happy? Like for example I got a ton of free wedding magazines (because I love them and weddings in general) and I was cutting out stuff for a wedding scrapbook idea thing for later on...My mom and aunt were in the next room and my mom goes; "by the way Im not paying for your wedding unless your husband has a paying job." They said other stuff like I should wait and how to be smart and know to how to pay bills and such before I wed. I know all this. I wont get married until B and I are living together for a year and we have each other's routines down and we both have jobs. I just hate whenever I am getting excited flowing into my wedding magazines they throw a football of reality at my face that I already know. It just annoys me. They never gave me this when I was with my X-Johnny, but its because his family was well off. B and his dad are lower class but they get by...I know they mean well to give me all these "reality checks" but its starting to annoy me. They keep telling me I need to be independent but I can't under their roof I have to "learn it" when I move out. Thats a load of bs to me. I can learn to be on my own before moving out right? All I want is a job to save up to move out, and my mom said B cant live with me until midway through the first year. She wants me to grow because apparently I haven't (maturity wise). They really dont think I am capable of anything... I want to marry B more than anything...We both know we aren't ready for the wedding but we can get engaged and who's to say we aren't engaged now? LOL JK..
Cute moment when B and I were at the mall in Seattle he walked us into a jewelry store and sat right now in the engagement ring section.We picked out rings for both of us that we love and we know were we are getting our bands lol. It was just so cute the store lady even said we were sweethearts.


When we went camping B lost his ring, I gave to him for his bday for a little bit and started crying because it means so much to him. I know I'd cry too if I lost the ring he gave me. We both feel weird when we aren't wearing our rings-a sign? I think yes. We are just so close and the rings are just a symbol for whats to come and how much we love eachother. People keep asking him how long he's been married whenever he goes out .