So B's mom has found out she has a failing kidney and so she has been acting nice to him. Giving him money to buy parts for his car and I think she is trying to say she is sorry for the past *since when he lived with her she wasn't the nicest mom around* and maybe starting new. I told B if she keeps up this nice streek that I want to meet her. B said that was ok and he will talk to her about me meeting her face to face. I have seen her a couple times when we have picked up B's little brother from her, but she has always been in the car. I want to get to know her. It is important. Im close to B's dad and his aunt and cousins. So I hope we can sit down and I can meet his mom soon.I am nervous to meet her because I hope she likes me and we get along. (Thinking positive about this)...Wish me luck please!!