So for the next 2 weeks I am with a group of people aged 16-21 and we are doing this course to prepare us for an apprenticeship. It's day 2 today and it's been okay so far I think.

I admit I feel a little left out when they all group together and drink because I don't drink and the crowd gives me anxiety which means so far I have just sat in my room when they've been off doing things. But then again, after sitting in calluses from 9am to 4pm as well as eating all meals with them being able to go back to my room and sit on my own is a nice break.

I have a roommate, she seems okay, all though I've been so tired after travelling to get here and then being up to do the work I've been going to bed early, she's been one of the ones drinking and she's woken me up everytime she comes in.

Today I decided I was going to take my stuff to my room and go sit in the lounge since that was people congregate. What happens, I end up sitting here on my own, at least it's nice and quiet. The headache has gone away from this morning.

I guess I'm having a good time, the wifi doesn't reach our rooms so I've been relying on my mobile data to be able to talk to Mikey. I admit I miss being home now too. When I was visiting Mikey it was okay, because I was with someone I love now I just have a bunch of strange people, I'm trying to make some friends but no-one really seems interested, yeah I'm one of those people.

I hope everyone has been having okay days