SO's on a 9 day vacation with his family in Mexico. It's a small town so neither of us is expecting a good internet connection. International texting might get expensive so I told him not to worry about it. He needs this vacation, he should relax and he can tell me all about it when he gets back.

...and on the other hand, we've been talking everyday since we met (December '09)! I feel like such a big, stupid, needy baby right now. Nine days isn't eternity, and we skyped until the second he had to leave. I've never dreaded being apart from someone until I met him. Ha, "apart". He's 2000 miles away already, but not talking takes it to a new level entirely.

When I was single, I used to think people who get like this about their SOs were weak and I'd never be that way. Goddamn it. It sort of feels like I neglected working out my ability to be alone and now it's a soft, squishy shadow of its former self =/

I know the answer to my question is to make myself busy (leaving for the gym and a study session right after I post this), just wondering if this feeling is normal..