Written in honor of our 3 month "first date" anniversary today! He makes me SO happy!

Well, exactly 3 months ago today, you took me to AA! If that was a date, then today is the 3 month anniversary of our first date! cool lol

So, I figured I'd write about what I remember from that date:

We met up and rode together in my car. (I was nervous cuz I wasn't used to driving guys around, and cuz I didn't know my way around AA)
We had to go back to pick up your wallet lol
I'm pretty sure I was not expecting to ever go out again at this point!
We got to AA and parked. (well, tried to. I'm not too great at that lol)
We walked and looked at shops.
My dad called you and you didn't answer... lol (i was not happy...)
We walked. And walked. And walked. And walked. And walked.
We visited a book store! (why you thought that would be a quick stop i'll never know... )
We walked and talked.
It was cold.
We were hungry.
We walked and looked at lots of places to eat.
We walked some more.
We went to Noodles & Company. (i'd never been there before!)
My food was delicious! I loved it! (I'm pretty sure you didn't like yours tho...)
While at the restaurant I grabbed a menu for my scrapbook page: "My date with my babysitter." You didn't think that was as funny as i did. idk why? lol
We left and walked on the campus while you told me about some of your school history
We finally left, and drove back to where your jeep was where...
We talked and talked and talked and talked.
And turned off the lights so the ambulance people didn't recognize you and...
We talked and talked and talked and talked.
And drove to McDonald's so I could use the restroom and you bought an iced tea.
We drove back to the jeep and you spilled your tea, and I pretended to freak out about it so you so sweetly cleaned it up with wet wipes!
We talked some more and I didn't want to say good bye.

You are so wonderful! You are so sweet, and so good to me. You make me smile and laugh. You treat me so well. You are so cute, and I love when you are all sappy!
You have a great personality, an amazing sense of humor, and such a great smile! (I'm lucky that you are so darn handsome!)
I miss you a lot! I can't wait to get to spend more time with you! Although our dates are now slightly (just kidding!) less awkward, they are all so amazing, and I just don't want them to end!Thank you for the most wonderful, fun, happiest three months!
I like you sooooo much!