I'm in China!!! AHHHH!!! So excited!!!

So, we got to our apartment sometime after midnight last night. Desperately needing a shower, I didn't end up falling asleep until after 3 a.m. here. my SO is exactly 12 hours behind me, so I got to kik/message him for a little while as it was a good time for him. (BTW kik is an awesome messaging app!!! Idk what we'd do without it!!!) I slept for about 5 hours. I am wondering if jet lag will hit eventually. I didn't sleep for at least a day and a half before the trip started Monday morning, and I slept a maximum of 5 hours on the plane, so that's about 5 hours of sleep in over 48 hours. Then I finally crash at the apartment and only sleep for 5 hours. I'm hoping that all that craziness helped my body skip jet lag and so now I will be fine - except for the SWOLLEN ankles/calves. I didn't realize I was swollen until I was trying to send my SO a pic of this cut I got on the trip, and I looked at the camera viewer and thought "OMG! Are those MY legs or a baby elephant's???" So, yes. They are rather swollen. :/ Needless to say I did not send the pic.

Woke up and settled in this morning, then went to lunch with our new boss. We went to a VERY nice restaurant. I avoided most meat/fish/seafood dishes, as I wasn't sure if my stomach could handle them this soon. - Tried this really cool dish that was like a sandwich: dough, fried tofu, cucumber, ham, and soy sauce. AMAZING! Also FRESH fruit juices! Super delicious!

Went to the shopping district. Such an incredible experience! I only ended up buying water I figured for my first day I'd rather take the time and look at everything, and then come back before I spent all my money in the newness and excitement of the moment!

Well, now I'm back at the apartment relaxing. Luckily the elevator here works so even though waiting for it took like 5 minutes, it would have taken WAY longer to walk up all the stairs.

Right now I'm waiting for my SO to wake up... It's only 4 a.m. his time so i'm patiently waiting... We haven't talked yet, just messaged since I left Monday morning. Can't wait to talk to him! *fingers crossed for a good connection for our call!!!*

I'll post more later lol