And I can now tell you why Chinese people are so freaking skinny! lol. (Hopefully that is not offensive!!!)
So, we have a week of vacation, and my school and teachers went on a trip to Xiamen. I had never been on a planned vacation before with a travel agency. I have never walked so much in all of my life!!! And I enjoy being active! This is absolutely insane, but lots of fun! The Chinese teachers are now used to me just eating rice at every meal since anything else seems to make me ill lol.

Anyways, I leave tomorrow for Hong Kong to get my 1 year visa. The girl who was handling details just tells me that we have no hotel in Hong Kong. Seriously??? I have been SOOOOO busy, and all she had to do was get a hotel. I'm just being grumpy, but wanted to vent about that. So, if anyone hears of a white girl sleeping in the middle of the street in Hong Kong this week, that just might be me! lol