I spent today relaxing - SO good after a hectic first 2 weeks at work. Going straight from a long weekend with your boyfriend in another country to starting a new job the next day is not something I reccomend! Still, I am glad I did it, so that we could make use of the time since his visa got rejected. Of course I miss him now and want to see him.

The travel agecy I used last time managed to mess up their web pages. I was fooled for days into thinking they had tickets to his home town, because they showed times, flight company and prices, I just could not book tickets. The bug was not only in their web site, it was in their internal system as well they said on the phone. They were really nice, still it was rather frustrating that I waisted my time. I then tried to book directly from the web page of Turkish Airlines, which are rather complicated (you have to go through many pages to confirm and they tend to stall at at some point) - it did this time as well. I got really scared all the flights would be booked before I could get my hands on them! Well... it was Sunday afternoon and I thought, my head is clear and I have time on my hands, so I might as well give it a go now. I managed to find this other Norwegian online travel agency, they had the flights were superquick and even offered me to pay later. So now my travel for mid March is booked! My so was happy when he heard I got time off, but happier now with a certain time.

I saw his aunt and his grandmother, they wanted to say Hi on Skype. And his mother wanted to know what to cook for me, and apperently we will get a house of our own of sorts (they have several small ones as well as the big). Afterwords, we stayed up until late with him Skyping from between the trees in their garden, and the rooster calling in the backround. I realize I feel so comfortable around him, and that we have been together 5 months now. Time goes by so fast!