image-837729cb99c0be5351b21f2d85d56f2d3a706e4708ab7f9500ae7a96f10085cc-V.jpgYess... He loved the idea about me coming 1 week a month! I have never seen him so silent in my life... He is usually very chatty on Skype unless he is sad about the distance, which he is over for this time by now ("April is not far away!") I knew he was happy, so happy he did not know what to say, but I just had to ask him how he felt about it just to confirm it. Wow, I just love the fact that I can silence him. I love our silence. It makes me want to just crawl in a cave and stay there with him forever, like a happy prehistoric fish that does not need anything exept the basic. Simply existing with him is so wonderful.

Lately he has been comparing us to the cats in a famous Turkish poem, saying I am the buther's cat (=the well-fed /lucky one) and he is the street cat. The actually makes a lot of sense when I am warm inside Skyping with him Skyping standing outside getting cold in front of his grandmother's old house (inside net broke down)! But he does it a bit tounge in cheek... The butcher's cat and the street cat desperately want to be together, but they come from different worlds and ultimately they will have to be apart. Really tragic and sweet. SO was like: "They are like us...exept; we will not break up!"

Here is the English translation of the poem;

Tailed poem (Kuyruklu Siir) by Orhan Veli Kanik

We will never be able to get along, dear
Our roads are separated
You are the cat of a liverbutcher, I am
an alleycat
Your food is served on a tin plate
Mine in the mouth of a lion.
You dream of love, I of a bone
But's it not easy for you either, mate
No, it's not so easy
To wave your tail each goddamn day!

The picture is of one of the half -wild cats relaxing by one of their orange trees