A little note on the 5 love languages. Gary Chapman developed the love language tool while working with couples in couples counselling. He later discovered it can be useful when engaging with children, strangers, really anyone. Your main love languages are the ones you feel most loved by and also what you use to show love!

The 5 love languages are :
1. Words of confirmation... Compliments, love letters.
2. Physical touch... Not just sex, but generally liking to be touched. If you are a hugger, this one is for you.
3. Time for one another. Quality time. Hobbies or projects together.
4. Gifts. Anything from a single flower to a diamond.
5. Services /doing things for one another.

Me and my husband are both big on physical touch and time. I noticed even with close to strangers, if they hug me I feel much more appreciated than if they act nice to me in other ways. My family's always been big on hugs! I have not yet asked my boyfriend what his love languages are, but he really loves the love letters so I guess compliments are one of the important ones. Some weeks back too he actually said what made him fall for me /what made me stand out was my use of words. The other thing he mentioned was the way I look at him, I guess that is physical touch? Because having someone looking directly at you is similar to being touched. So, compliments and touch it is. And perhaps favours, because he is always doing stuff for others all the time and he became so child -like happy when I arranged for his birthday.
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