I haven't felt so done with my life and ready to check out and just stop existing since I was in school. My life is...I don't think stagnant is harsh enough. I feel like nonexistent is the right word this time.

My birthday is in 5 days and I feel like that's more of an inconvenience for everyone else than a reason to celebrate (All made funnier by how ironic it is that said people gave me a legal name I hate which literally means "A reason to celebrate")
I feel like everyone keeps me around cause that's just what they do.

Though recently I also hate it here because I am way more of an adult than my parents combined. They never do anything important unless I have to pressure them and nag and bitch for three months straight.
They finally replaced the fuse on our dryer that's been broken since November.
It still doesn't work.

We need new IDs. It's IMPORTANT. Like the most capitalized and bolded version of IMPORTANT that one can even type. And dad forgot to go take us there and look into that today like he was going to.

They got mad at me cause I called out their shit when I said the second something is lost in this house it's gone forever (IT'S TRUE) and dad said he can "Find anything that isn't mine" so I told him to go find my box with all my favorite stuff in it that I haven't ever found since he moved it two f&*(# years ago!!
That box is literally all I want! Hell I might just take all those exact things in it to Canada and leave them there. IT'S. SAFER.
Instead dad found two boxes of stuff I don't care about and when I said that wasn't what I wanted he got mad and said how it's totally my fault for "Not cleaning the garage" like no, I didn't wreck the garage. I don't even go in there. I did not put any of my boxes in there. The box I am looking for was last left in the sunroom. Now my overfilled room has shit I don't want in it.

Sis's baby shower is on February 8th. I'm hype about this cause I like baby stuff and haven't been to a baby shower since I was like 13 and I wasn't even invited to that one I just stuck around cause it was at our house. She's registered at target and Babies R Us, but me and Tammi might buy her something cool off the internet cause Tam wishes she could be more involved, and I'm broke (...er...unable to spend the money I have right now), so a present from the both of us solves these issues.

I hope my friend is actually gonna buy me that hard drive for my birthday. I wanna care that it's kinda expensive and frivolous, but he spends his money too irresponsibly anyway and screw it I really need that goddamn hard drive since my tiny computer is so full my games don't work. I'm starting to really need my computer games. I hate scrolling my Facebook after a bit, and the rest of the internet annoys me too (Except this site this site is awesome) so I need something to do while sitting on Skype when our calls have downtime.

Also mom's trying a diet again and I think ignorance is the only thing I hate more than people dieting. She's probably never gonna shut up about it and I am definitely gonna deserve an Olympic medal if I survive till Sis's kid is born without shoving an ice pick into my ear canal.

I just wanna go to Canada and cuddle with Tam and watch silly youtubers and make cosplays. I'm tired of parenting people who are older than me.