(Yes I am the exact sort of jerk who thinks "Is Holy Balls Too Vulgar Of a Blog Post Title" is an amusing blog name, I'm still working on my sense of humor)

SO IT SEEMS LIKE I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR A WHILE. Have I? I don't know, a lot happens every week, but also nothing happens every week, I have never been so freaking busy while still being stuck in a rut. If you would have asked me last year I would have said "Dude how does that even exist I thought being stuck in a rut was being bored???"

Ugh how do I even update? I guess maybe first I should read my last post so I remember how I left off, lemme do that...

OKAY ALL OF IT WAS ABOUT MONEY AND HOW WE DON'T HAVE ANY! ...That's actually a perfect platform to work off of!

She has ticket money saved woop woop! Also (Yes I'm going to change my signature I'm posting this first) she's coming down here instead. Literally everyone thinks it's a better idea and now it's literally that or no visit. We were gonna go see the Rush Final Tour concert but she has already seen them so she's "totally fine" not going (Despite how much I yell about feeling like absolute shit about ruining that, granted our friend Brad who was going with it broke all our transportation plans by GETTING FIRED! Dumbass lol. He hasn't heard the end of it yet)
BUT a band me and Tam and my whole family has on our concert bucket list is coming HERE now, to my city, and not three hours away from on of us, and in that same week, so now we're shifting all the plans. It's kinda neat though.

Ori is fine, granted I STILL haven't been paid and she screams a LOT for me compared to Sis, so I have no free time despite not even being the frigging parent, but at least she's been angry all day now so people finally realized I'm not a bitch for calling her Scream Goddess. That kid is unnecessarily angry like shut up you don't even have problems.

That game I wanted came in the mail and I play it when I have downtime (So literally when my sister is off work :/) and all the hype is too real, hooray new obsession!

Sis still wants to go move with the baby daddy and close the distance, but she's an asshole and made me not tell people and JUST NOW made it official when there's 13 days left. I hate this family's inability to take anything seriously or plan at all. Get out, good riddance.
This is literally the second visit in a row out of two where I wasn't sure we could even plan it because OH LOOK SIS IS DOING SOMETHING. Sis, fuck off, you're always doing something. You're constantly halting my already nonexistant life. You're also a bitch for NOT moving the move date because Grammy wanted to come visit you later in the year and probably already bought the plane ticket money.

Can I move out yet? I'll crash with complete strangers at this rate just to make a point.