I might have to write this in a different blog format (Borrowing this from other people, hehe, sorry for the format-steal)

The Airport (Getting Tam Back)
Tam is a big cutie and dyed her hair red right before getting here this year (I knew about it and wasn't worried) and everyone in my family (even extended) noticed which I thought was nice. Everyone was excited to see her and I'm glad.

Tears For Fears Concert
OHHHHH MY GOOOOODDD IT WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOD. We too videos but you can hear us singing along in them. Heheh...
SO GOOD THOUGH, and a very awesome bucket list item achieved! I can't say enough good things, they played all the songs we want (Even Badman's Song for Tam!) and the lighting guy did Pale Shelter the exact way I would have done it if I did so I was so excited. They played one of our songs (Sowing the Seeds of Love) and they played mom and dad's song (Head Over Heels) and my mom's favorite (Advice for the Young at Heart)
Shout was the encore, and everyone was definitely excited for it!
My sister was here for it too so it was five of us there. She brought Ori, but we left her with a relative because a 5 month old (Her age now, not then lol) has nothing to do at a concert while her mom, aunties, and grandparents all scream and flail excitedly like schoolgirls.

Father's Day
We didn't do much for Father's Day. The TFF concert was all dad wanted. Nonetheless, me and Tam bought dad a fancy chef's knife set. Because we could. It's been very appreciated since all our knives are old and bad. We haven't made much dinner lately because we didn't feel like it, but it's better when we can now! And this knife set has a sharpener!

Tam meets Ori!
I didn't get any pics cause nobody had time to hold her with all the other relatives around, but I got to see Tam hold Ori, who then puked on her shoulder. We considered it initiation to the family lol

I guess I need to put pics to remember what all we did (HAHA) but that makes it even better anyway!

So long overdue oh my god. Also I have a potato head

Tam tried our favorite food truck. She went back for another. And we went again the second Friday. I have created another Rustic Burger fan

We went to the Pride Picnic on the Air Force Base (And ate more burgers hahahahaha) and had a good time with friends and acquaintences (friends-to-be, hehe)

She bought me a TV because I was using this ancient CRT with a broken power bar that didn't fit on my dresser. This one gets youtube and netflix on it. I told her I don't need it but she insisted and nobody was gonna argue that, it's a damn fine TV OK?

She took this of me when we went to my aunt and uncle's, and the adults got drunk (And by adults I mean they wouldn't let me join despite being 24, so we went off with the teenagers who went hiking and left us, so Tam and I walked to another Sonic.

Aunt and Uncle had a bonfire, and they burned a giant creepy santa they found in a crawlspace of an abandoned house that my uncle sprayed for bugs. Tam took this hilarious masterpiece

Going to the mall (And remembering it has Wifi! WOOP! Screw using data)

Tam took this of me wen we stopped at a McDonalds because dollar drinks (We had money, we were just being frugal and had already spent a lot that day, INCLUDING when we went to the mall there was a couple who had bus passes but no money for food/drink so we had a double date at Potato King with them that we paid for, it was fun, they were nice.)

We got the lady at mom's work who does a candle making class to do another for us since our candles from last year burnt out and she felt bad for us about it. Two other people came so it was worth it for her.

Late night Sundaes! I had waited a year for Tam's sundaes!

We went to the old Railyards and the 66 Diner!

Bussed to the zoo and a restaurant I really like!

FINALLY GOT RINGS SO WE CAN BE LEGIT NOW YESSSS!!! If you want the long happy rant on that there's a post I made in the Proposals/Engagements section of the forums!

Tam has not been able to use her drum set for a long time since having to move to a smaller house last year. I took her to Guitar Center to play with the electronic kits. I swear she spent two hours on them. It was cute and she was happy (And actually good! All I had seen before is videos)

Yeah there's my updates and picspam! Sorry for making you suffer through it!