So I went "home" today.
I got up early, went to the library to copy two papers I need for a term paper I'm writing, went back home, packed my things, tidied my place and left.
I had some time when I changed trains so I bought the return tickets for my visit in May and coffee, before I got into my connecting train.
When I arrived at the station here, my mum was waiting for me at the platform and my brother was waiting inside the train station. I had written them both the same text earlier today, asking them who was picking me up. I thought, since they only have one car, they'll talk to each other. Turns out I was wrong, my mum had her boyfriend's car, so they were both waiting for me. Needless to say my brother wasn't very amused.
Anyway, we went to "home" together. With my mum we changed bedsheets, put up curtains in the room I'm staying with my boyfriend and cleaned the rooms.
Then my mum left for her (boyfriend's) place. And now I'm 'alone' with my brother and his girlfriend (who've already gone to sleep) and waiting for my boyfriend.
It's sort of strange to be here and I don't really feel like this is "home". My home is my place in the city where I study, but I don't know how else to referr to here. So I'll call it "home" for the time being, since I do feel conntected to the region and in a way to the house. The house, in which my brother is living alone, sometimes with his girlfriend, since my mum has basically moved in with her boyfriend for good like 1,5 yrs ago.

They should be here in three hours!! I'm taking a shower now and hope that the next three hours will be quick!!